Dear Friends and Family,
Clairton Elementary is collecting Box Tops for the entire school year. It may not seem like much, but it really adds up quickly! You do not need to purchase anything extra, just clip Box Tops off the packages of the products you already buy! They can be found on many different brands such as Cheerios, Ziploc, Tostino’s, Hamburger Helper, Scott, Kleenex, etc. The complete list can be found at, and it only takes a few seconds to take a look at the products you already have.
Number of Students | Box Tops per Month | Months | Box Top Value | Potential Earnings |
425 | 10 | 9 | $0.10 | $3,825 |
425 | 20 | 9 | $0.10 | $7,650 |
425 | 30 | 9 | $0.10 | $11,475 |
425 | 40 | 9 | $0.10 | $15,300 |
We will be holding a monthly contest starting in October. Simply place the Box Tops in an envelope or Ziploc baggie with your child’s name, homeroom number, and teacher’s name, and send them in!
● Top classroom each month will win a class party
● Top student each month will win a special prize
Thank you in advance for your participation. We value your support!
Questions can be emailed to